2017 AZEVN Conference – Speakers Wanted

2017 AZEVN Conference – Speakers Wanted


Happy New Year and we hope that everyone had a great Christmas!

Ahead of the booking going live on the 12th of January 2017 for the 2017 AZEVN Conference, the AZEVN Team are in the final stages of putting together the provisional agenda and now would like to ask for any volunteers who would like to fill a speaking slot at the 2017 AZEVN Conference.

We are looking for VN’s to present a 10 Minute Slot in the following areas:-

  • Conservation & Research
  • Case Studies (See Below)

Suggested Case Study Topics not covered in previous Years:-
Rabbit Fly Strike, Reptile Metabolic Bone Disease, Parrot Feather Plucking, Rodent Tumours & African Pygmy Hedgehogs

All delegates (including speakers) are required to register and book their place at the 2017 AZEVN Conference and due to the popularity in previous years, we, unfortunately, expect not to be able to accommodate all speaking requests but will consider all applications as they are submitted.

We have put together some key information for anyone who is considering speaking please click here.


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