Our Memberships
There are two ways to join the Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nursing (AZEVN) depending on your profession. If you are unsure which membership is right for you, please read the differences below.

Full Member
£10 per year
(Automatic Renewal)
To be a Full Member...
- Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) working within a Zoo, or an Exotics Practice.
- Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) with previous experience of working within a Zoo, or an Exotics Practice.
- Enrolled Student Veterinary Nurse (SVN) working towards your RVN Qualification.
- Veterinary Nurse or Veterinary Technician from outside of the UK with a qualification accepted by RCVS (UK Governing Body for VN’s)
Full Member Benefits
- Have a voice on the future direction of the AZEVN through voting rights at the AZEVN AGM on constitutional and operational matters.
- Have the opportunity to network, interact and benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience of VN’s working within the Zoo & Exotic Sector at the annual AZEVN Conference, other AZEVN Events and from resources that can only be accessed through the Members Section on the AZEVN Website.
- To benefit from the strong working relationships that the AZEVN has established with industry leading organisations who sponsor and support the AZEVN.
- Have the right to stand for an AZEVN Committee or Volunteer Position as they become available, in accordance with the application procedures stated in the AZEVN Constitution.

Associate Member
£10 per year
(Automatic Renewal)
To be an Associate Member...
- Para Professionals in the Veterinary/Animal Care Industry
- Non Registered Veterinary Nurse
- Veterinary Nurse or Veterinary Technician from outside the UK with a qualification NOT accepted by RCVS (UK Governing Body for VN’s)
Associate Member Benefits
- Have the opportunity to network, interact and benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience of VN’s working within the Zoo & Exotic Sector.
- Access online resource that are only available through the Members Section on the AZEVN Website.
- To benefit from the strong working relationships that the AZEVN has established with industry leading organisations who sponsor and support the AZEVN.
- Important Membership Information
Cancelling your Membership
At any point after your initial sign-up or automatic renewal as an AZEVN Member, if you choose to cancel your membership, this must be done via your membership area.
No refunds will be given for cancelled memberships.
Applying to become a Member
If you choose to sign up as a Member of the AZEVN, please ensure that you enter all details correctly (especially your RCVS Number if you are applying for full membership).
In the event that your Membership Application is not completed correctly, the AZEVN reserves the right suspend your membership until the correct information is provided.
If you are unable to supply the required information to become a full member, the AZEVN reserves the right to refuse your full membership application and move your membership over to an Associate Membership.
Overseas Applications
If you are an overseas applicant to join the AZEVN as a full member, then you will need to enter in the word OVERSEAS during the application process when your RCVS Number is requested.
To be eligible to be an Overseas Full AZEVN Member, you must hold an equivalent qualification to a UK RCVS Registered or Student Veterinary Nurse and a copy of your certificate must be e-mailed through to info@azevn.org in order for the AZEVN to process your Membership Application.
In the event that your Membership Application is not completed correctly, the AZEVN reserves the right suspend your membership until the correct information is provided.
If you are unable to supply the required information, the AZEVN reserves the right to refuse your full membership application and move your membership over to an Associate Membership.