AZEVN Constitution

AZEVN Constitution

Table of Contents

1.0 Name

This association shall be known by the name of “Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses”.

This name shall be abbreviated to “AZEVN” where necessary.

2.0 Mission Statement

“The aim of the Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses is to facilitate excellence through education for Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses across the UK and to prioritise animal health and welfare”

3.0 Core Aims

To provide the highest level of current and professional education to RVNs working with zoo species, Exotics or Wildlife through unique and affordable CPD opportunities; including but not limited to:-

(i) A 2-Day Annual Conference, at which the AZEVN AGM will be held.
(ii) Annual Online Event
(iii) Annual E-Newsletter
(iv) Online Forums through Social Media Streams

To facilitate the exchange of information and networking between RVNs to help promote and maintain the the highest standard of Veterinary Nursing of Zoo, Exotic and Wildlife species. 

4.0 Operational & Financial Objectives

To always function as an independent association and be run by RVNs to ensure that all content, education and information is focused solely on the needs of Zoo, Exotic and Wildlife Veterinary Nurses.
To operate as a Not for Profit Organisation and to always maintain complete financial transparency.
To only seek help and sponsorship from established and ethically run organisations and through fundraising activities and ensure that an ethically sound charity is supported from within our sector.
The AZEVN Officer Team reserve the right to hire voluntary and paid consultants to assist with the daily running of the association and/or AZEVN events as needed. If appointed, these positions will be notified to all members via Email.

5.0 Membership

The AZEVN offers three types of membership, as detailed in Sections 5.1,  5.2 & 5.3.
To become a member of the AZEVN, an online application and payment must be submitted via the AZEVN Website, that will be reviewed by the AZEVN Secretary prior to being accepted.
Membership will automatically be renewed on an annual basis.
The AZEVN reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual who cannot supply the correct
information to fulfil the requirements to become an AZEVN Member, as per Section 5.4 below.

5.1 Full Membership

To become a Full Member of the AZEVN, a candidate must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:-
(i) Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) working within a Zoo, or an Exotics Practice.
(ii) RVN with previous experience working within a Zoo, or an Exotics Practice.
(iii) Enrolled Student Veterinary Nurse (SVN) working towards your RVN Qualification.
(iv) RVN or SVN with passion for/interest in learning more about the Veterinary Nursing of Zoo, Exotic and Wildlife species. 
(v) Veterinary Nurse or Veterinary Technician from Overseas with a qualification accepted by the
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS – UK Governing Body for VN’s).

Full Membership of the AZEVN will entitle a member to:-
(i) Equal voting and attendance rights at the AGM
(ii) Priority receipt of AZEVN information and e-mails
(iii) The opportunity to attend any in-person and online events organised by the AZEVN. 
(iv) The right to apply for a vacant AZEVN Committee or Volunteer Position
(v) The ability to receive the Annual AZEVN E-Newsletter

5.2 Associate Membership

To become an Associate Member of the AZEVN, a candidate must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:-
(i) Para Professionals in the Veterinary / Animal care industry
(ii) Non-Registered Veterinary Nurses
(iii) Veterinary Nurse or Veterinary Technician from Overseas with a qualification NOT accepted by the
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS – UK Governing Body for VN’s)

Associate Membership of the AZEVN will entitle a member to:-
(i) The opportunity to network with both associate and full members via online social media forums
(ii) Access and benefit from the library of Zoo, Exotic and Wildlife Veterinary Nursing Resources on
the AZEVN Website.
(iii) The ability to receive the Annual AZEVN E-Newsletter
(iv) The opportunity to attend any online events organised by the AZEVN

5.3 Honorary Lifetime Membership

To become an Honorary Lifetime Member of the AZEVN, a candidate must fulfil all of the following criteria:-
(i) Have been a critical friend of the AZEVN for at least 1 year
(ii) Be nominated and approved by the AZEVN Officer Team

Honorary Lifetime Membership of the AZEVN will entitle the member to:-
(i) Equal voting and attendance rights at the AGM.
(ii) Priority receipt of AZEVN information.
(iii) The opportunity to attend any in-person and online events organised by the AZEVN.
(iv) The ability to receive the Annual AZEVN E-Newsletter
(v) Receive an award.

5.4 Cancellation of Membership by the AZEVN

The AZEVN reserves the right to amend or cancel the membership of a member if they do not meet or continue to fulfil the criteria for membership outlined in Sections 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3.

In the event that a membership is cancelled by the AZEVN Officers, the termination will be immediate and no refunds will be given.

5.5 Cancellation of Membership by the Member

At any point, if an AZEVN member wishes to cancel their membership, this must be done by the member, via their membership area on the AZEVN Website; the AZEVN Officers cannot process a refund if a member has not completed this request.

For any refunds that are processed in relation to a cancelled membership, there will be an administration fee deducted from the refund given; this fee will be advised by the AZEVN Officers at the time of cancellation.

Any refunds processed will be done so according to the AZEVN Membership Refund Policy, as stated on the Become a Member Page of the AZEVN Website, at the time of the request being made.

6.0 Officers

The responsibility of running the Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses within the guidelines of this constitution is trusted to no less than six and up to seven officers:
Chair, Assistant Chair, Secretary, Membership & Website Co-Ordinator, Treasurer, Marketing Co-Ordinator (Mandatory) & Marketing Assistant (Optional). 
Further information relating to the roles and duties of AZEVN Officers can be found in Appendix A.

7.0 Volunteers

There is the opportunity for members to apply for a minimum of two official Volunteer positions that will be reviewed annually at the AZEVN AGM.

Further information relating to the roles and duties of AZEVN Official Volunteers can be found in Appendix B

8.0 Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Voting

There will be one Annual General Meeting of the AZEVN.

The date of the AGM will be advertised to Full and Honorary members via their registered AZEVN E-Mail Address at least 21 days before the AGM is due to take place.

AZEVN Full and Honorary members must attend in person, to vote for changes and amendments. The quorum for any changes and/or amendments to be ratified during the AGM will be 10% of the AZEVN registered Full and Honorary membership, at the time that the AGM is taking place.

Where the need arises for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), any Full and Honorary members who cannot attend will have the opportunity to vote via e-mail after receiving documentation for the reason(s) for the EGM.

9.0 Constitution Amendments

Prior to the annual AGM, the Constitution of the AZEVN will be subject to review and Full and Honorary members will have the opportunity to propose amendments to the Constitution prior to the staging of the AZEVN AGM.

After review by AZEVN Officers prior to the AGM, any proposed changes to the Constitution will be circulated via E-mail for consideration by Full and Honorary members.

As part of the AGM, AZEVN Officers will present all proposed changes to all attending Full and Honorary members, who then will have the opportunity to vote in favour, against or abstain. 

10.0 Dissolution

In the event that the AZEVN is dissolved, any surplus funds that are left over after all debtors have been paid will be donated to the nominated Charitable Organisation(s) being supported at the time of dissolution.

Appendix A
AZEVN Officers

1.0 Criteria


AZEVN Officer positions are open to all Full members and it is preferred, but not essential that any applicant must have worked within the Zoo, Exotic or Wildlife Sector.

1.1 General Duties & Entitlements


All Officers must present an annual report at the AZEVN AGM to inform members of their activities in the previous year.


All Officers will receive free entry to AZEVN Events and in return, it is expected that they must travel to meet at a central location to all Officers at least twice a year.


All Officer Positions are non-salaried positions, however AZEVN Officers can claim fuel, accommodation and sustenance expenses for any travel to AZEVN events or meetings. 


All Officers have equal voting rights and in the event of a deadlock in voting situations, the AZEVN Chair shall have the deciding vote.

1.2 Notice to Stand Down & Removal from Office


If an AZEVN Officer wishes to stand down from their position, a notice period of 3 months is required.


Although it may not always be possible, it is requested that any AZEVN Officer gives their notice period to coincide with the AGM to allow a smooth transition over to their replacement.


Notice is required to be given in writing to the Secretary and the notice period will begin after confirmation of receipt by the Secretary.


If an AZEVN Officer is removed from the RCVS Veterinary Nurse Register during their time in a role, they will automatically be stood down from their position.


In the event that an AZEVN Officer is unable to fulfil their duties, they can be removed from their post by a unanimous vote of no confidence by the other members of the AZEVN Officer Team.


During any time when an AZEVN Officer position is vacant and at the discretion of the remaining AZEVN Officers, an AZEVN Volunteer may be asked to step into the role to safeguard and ensure the operational efficiency of the Association until a replacement is found in accordance with the procedures outlined in 1.3 – Applying to become an AZEVN Officer.

1.3 Applying to become an AZEVN Officer


Any interested (Full) members would need to apply via the relevant section on the AZEVN Website, which will be advertised to all Members when an AZEVN Officer position is made available for application.


Applications will be considered by the AZEVN Officer panel and in the event that a successful candidate is chosen, they will be informed and asked to start their role immediately.


In the event that there are no suitable candidates for the position, the AZEVN Officer Panel reserves the right to re-open the position for applications.

1.4 AZEVN Chair – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Chair are:-
(i) To liaise and maintain key AZEVN stakeholder relationships with speakers, sponsors & supporters.
(ii) To oversee and ensure that any AZEVN events run smoothly on the day.
(iii) Take the majority of chair responsibilities during AZEVN events.
(iv) To be a joint signatory of the AZEVN bank account


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Assistant Chair are:-
(i) To be able to build and maintain good working relationships through clear and concise communication (verbal and electronic). Although not essential, existing working relationships with industry suppliers, speakers and experts would be useful.
(ii) Although not essential, existing working relationships with industry suppliers, speakers and experts would be useful.
(i) Good time management and organisation skills are essential, especially in the weeks before an AZEVN event to ensure that all preparations are completed.
(ii) Good listening and interpersonal skills to ensure that all AZEVN Members are able to engage and interact during AZEVN events.

1.5 AZEVN Assistant Chair – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Assistant Chair are:-
(i) To compose the Agenda for AZVEN events.
(ii) To assemble abstract information, summaries and presentations from speakers for AZEVN events.
(iii) To assist the Chair in the running of AZEVN events and their responsibilities where required.
(iv) To assemble poster presentations from members for AZEVN events.


The skills and abilities that it would be useful for the Assistant Chair to possess are:-
(iii) A good attention to detail for proofreading and checking submissions from speakers, members prior to publishing.
(iv) A good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (especially Word and Powerpoint) to ensure that documents are presented to a high standard, with respect to layout and content.
(v) To be able to communicate in a concise and effective manner with AZEVN members and colleagues to ensure a clear channel of communication is maintained for AZEVN news & events

1.6 AZEVN Treasurer – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Treasurer are:-
(i) To maintain the fluid financial operation of the AZEVN bank account.
(ii) To co-ordinate with AZEVN Officers to ensure all financial transactions are recorded and have a receipt.
(iii) To encourage all AZEVN Officers to operate within their role to the highest level of financial efficiency to ensure all expenditure is carried out in the most cost-effective manner.
(iv) To deliver a financial report at the AZEVN AGM to highlight any annual changes to the AZEVN income and/or expenditure.
(v) To be a joint signatory of the AZEVN bank account.


The skills and abilities that it would be useful for the AZEVN Treasurer to possess are:-
(i) A high level of organisation and attention to numerical and written detail to ensure that accurate records are kept and all payments are kept up to date to allow for the smooth operation of the AZEVN.
(ii) Previous experience in a similar role (numeracy and/or budgetary) would be useful, but this is not essential.
(iii) A good knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (especially Excel).

1.7 AZEVN Marketing Co-Ordinator – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Marketing Co-Ordinator are:-
(i) To create regular content for delivery via the AZEVN social media platforms.
(ii) To ensure an efficient response and detailed answer is given to any questions raised via the AZEVN social media platforms.
(iii) To work with the AZEVN Secretary to create a regular stream of content for distribution via the AZEVN E-Mail distribution list and the AZEVN Website.
(iv) To work in collaboration with AZEVN Volunteers and edit the annual AZEVN newsletter to be distributed electronically to all members.


The skills and abilities that it would be useful for the AZEVN Marketing Co-Ordinator to possess
(i) A good knowledge and understanding of how to communicate through social media platforms to ensure efficient and topical engagement and interaction with social media users are achievable.
(ii) Good time management skills and a creative flair to be able to produce and send a regular stream of engaging and interesting content to AZEVN Members.
(iii) A good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (especially Word) to be able to ensure the AZVEN newsletter is presented in a professional and attractive manner

1.8 AZEVN Marketing Assistant – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Marketing Assistant are:-
(i) To assist the Marketing Co-Ordinator specifically with the content delivery and maintenance of the AZEVN social media platforms.
Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses Constitution 7
(ii) To create and deliver AZEVN Charity fundraiser events to be held during and external to AZEVN events.
(iii) To create and deliver content for evening social entertainment at AZEVN events.
(iv) To assist the AZEVN Marketing Co-Ordinator in their responsibilities where required.


The skills and abilities that it would be useful for the Marketing Assistant to possess are:-
(i) A good knowledge and understanding of how to communicate through social media platforms to ensure efficient and topical engagement and interaction with social media users are achievable.
(ii) Great interpersonal skills and energy to be able to promote charitable aims and raise funds from AZVEN members during events.
(iii) To be able to project and promote the aims of AZEVEN to external stakeholders through clear and concise communication and to create and maintain good ongoing working relationships with these parties.

1.9 AZEVN Secretary – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Secretary are:-
(i) To operate the Mailchimp E-Mail engine and communicate AZEVN news and updates with members and other stakeholders.
(ii) To manage the main AZEVN contact email, ensuring all queries are responded to in a timely manner.
(iii) To organise the printing and production of AZEVN materials and items where necessary.
(iv) To act as the main liaison with the Sponsors and on-site host for the annual AZEVN Conference to confirm and update timings and logistical arrangements.
(v) To collect and summarise feedback from AZEVN events to Officers and members.
(vi) To assist other AZEVN Officers where necessary to ensure the smooth running of the AZEVN organisation.


The skills and abilities that would be useful for the Secretary to possess are:-
(i) Good administrative and organizational skills to be able to coordinate with other AZEVN Officers to ensure that all events are prepared for in plenty of time.
(ii) The capacity to work well as part of a small team to ensure that progression towards joint goals is achievable via clear and effective communication.
(iii) A good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite (especially Word, Excel & Powerpoint) to be able to ensure that AZEVN materials and literature are produced to a professional standard.
(iv) Previous experience in working with E-Marketing Software would be useful, but this is not essential.

2.0 AZEVN Membership & Website Co-Ordinator – Responsibilities & Required Skills


The key responsibilities of the AZEVN Membership & Website Co-Ordinator are:-
(i) To administer membership enquiries and maintain membership records.
(ii) To maintain the smooth operation of the AZEVN website and liaise with other AZEVN Officers to ensure that the AZEVN website content is kept up to date.
(iii) To assist other AZEVN officers where necessary to ensure the smooth running of the AZEVN organisation.


The skills and abilities that it would be useful for the AZEVN Membership & Website Co-Ordinator
to possess are:-
(i) Good administrative and organisation skills to be able to keep membership records up to date and
to co-ordinate with other AZEVN Officers as required on important issues.
(ii) The capacity to work well as part of a small team to ensure that progression towards joint goals is
achievable via clear and effective communication.
(iii) Previous experience in working with Website Content Management Systems would be useful, but this is not essential.

Appendix B
AZEVN Volunteer Positions

1.0 Criteria


AZEVN Volunteer Position are open to all Full members.

1.1 General Duties & Entitlements


AZEVN Volunteer positions will run from AGM to AGM.


AZEVN Volunteers will jointly create the annual AZEVN Newsletter, in conjunction with the AZEVN Marketing Co-Ordinator that will be distributed to all members six months after the annual AZEVN Conference.


AZEVN Volunteers will also present a 10-minute case study or poster at the annual AZEVN Conference on a topic that the AZEVN Volunteer has been involved with during the previous year.


AZEVN Volunteers will be required to assist AZEVN Officers where necessary to ensure the smooth operation of AZEVN events

1.2 Notice to Stand Down & Removal from Office


If an AZEVN Volunteer wishes to stand down from their position, a notice period of 1 month is required.


Notice is required to be given in writing to the Secretary and the notice period will begin after confirmation of receipt by the Secretary.


In the event where an AZEVN Volunteer is unable to fulfil their duties, they can be removed from their post by a unanimous vote of no confidence by the AZEVN Officer Team. 

1.3 Skills & Abilities


Candidates will be required to be working with a case-load that includes Zoo, Exotic or Wildlife species to be able to present on a topic that will provide a beneficial learning opportunities for other AZEVN members.


Candidates would be advised to have competency in using the Microsoft Office Suite (especially Word & Excel and Powerpoint) and any experience in using design software will help to ensure the production of the AZEVN Newsletter is carried out to a professional standard.


Candidates must have a “can-do” attitude and work ethic to be able to operate as part of the AZEVN team and have a positive influence on the reputation of AZEVN within the wider context of the Veterinary industry.

1.4 Applying to become an AZEVN Volunteer


Any interested full members would need to apply in writing using the AZEVN Volunteer Application Form that at the appropriate time, will be made available via the Volunteers Page on the AZEVN website.


Members must have previously attended at least one AZEVN Conference in person before applying. 


Applications will be collated and reviewed against a skills matrix by the AZEVN committee. Shortlisted (to a maximum of 4) applicants will be presented to the members of the AZEVN via the AZEVN Website, and after a consultation period, each full member of the AZEVN will have one vote that is required to be submitted online via the AZEVN Website to elect the successful candidates into the roles.


If there are less applications received than the number of positions available, the AZEVN Officers reserve the right to appoint the new Volunteers without a member vote. 


The voting results will then be announced after the vote closes and communicated to all members via e-mail, social media and announced at the next AGM.

Our next AZEVN Event

2025 AZEVN Conference

@ Treetops Pavilion, West Midlands Safari Park
May 17, 2025
& May 18, 2025
Keynote Speaker:
Rachel Lumbis MSc, BSc(Hons), CertSAN, RVN, FHEA
Keynote Subject:
Nutritional Health and Welfare: Prevention or Poison?

Meet the AZEVN Team

The AZEVN is run by a committee of elected volunteers, all RVNs. These volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the AZEVN runs smoothly. Learn more about the AZEVN Team and their Roles.