In 2023, the AZEVN will be continuing our support of Wildlife Vets International (WVI).
In previous years we have chosen a specific WVI project to support, however, this then restricts what the funds can be used for. So instead for 2023, we are instead giving our members an insight into some new projects WVI have in the planning. Whilst these projects are not guaranteed to happen any funding or support provided will go a long way to help animals from our own doorstep to further afield.
Why not have a read below on some exciting potential 2023/24 WVI projects?
Here is an insight into some new projects WVI have in the planning:
The health of conflict leopards, Nepal
Chough Reintroduction into Purbeck, Dorset
Reintroduction of Seychelles Magpie Robins to a 5th island
Health of conflict leopards, Nepal
While WVI have £30,000 to support Dr Jess Bodgener’s work in Nepal investigating the health of conflict leopards, there are other areas that continue to need funding. They would like to conduct some research into what the current attitudes are from the different stakeholder groups. Armed with that information, they would like to then develop some outreach to discuss the possibility of euthanising some of these animals. In 2024, hopefully, there will be the purchasing of parts, within Nepal, from which to build radiocollars to fit to ex conflict leopards that are fit for release. The technology behind these collars is changing all the time and they would like to ensure that the knowledge is developed within Nepal using the resources available within Nepal.
Chough Reintroduction into Purbeck, Dorset
Funding needed: £3000 to start in the second half of 2023 or 2024
Reintroduction of Seychelles Magpie Robins to a 5th island
There is already funding in place for avian specialist Johanna Storm to travel to the Seychelles at least once, but funding is still needed for the virology testing that needs to be done on samples from the birds. This is likely to cost £3,000.