Feedback Form

To help us improve our next AZEVN Conference, your feedback and comments are vital to ensure that we are able to continue to provide the highest level of current and professional education to RVN’s working with zoo species, exotics or wildlife through unique and affordable CPD opportunities.

For any members who attended our last AZEVN Conference, your help in completing our short feedback form below is greatly appreciated to allow the AZEVN Team to continually improve our future events.

What is your Job Role? *
Other *
Please enter your other job role
Where are you based? *
Other *
Please enter where you are based
What Percentage of your Caseload is Exotic Species? *
How did you find out about the AZEVN Conference? *
The Agenda
Variety of Topics Covered
How would you rate the variety of topics covered across the AZEVN Conference Weekend?
Frequency of Topics *
Are there any topics that you would have liked to have seen more or less of across the AZEVN Conference Weekend?
Practical Session Topics *
In our next AZEVN Conference,  if there was the opportunity to re-introduce practical sessions, what topics would you like to see included as part of these..?
Evening Social
Attendance *
Did you attend the Evening Social at the AZEVN Conference?
Experience *
How did you find the Evening Social at the AZEVN Conference..?
Improvements *
How could our next AZEVN Evening Social be changed to improve your experience next year?
Location *
How would you rate the location of the venue for the AZEVN Conference?
Access *
How easy was it to travel to and access the venue for the AZEVN Conference?
Food *
How would you rate the food at the daytime venue for the AZEVN Conference?
Layout *
How would you rate the layout of the daytime venue for the AZEVN Conference?
Further Comments *
Please expand on any VENUE answers above and in particular, let us know both the positive and negative comparisons that you are able to remember vs previous venues if you have attended previously.
Testimonial *
If you are happy to leave a short testimonial of your experience that can be used on the AZEVN Website to help advertise for future AZEVN Events, please leave this below. Any testimonials used on the AZEVN Website will be done so anonymously.
The Future
Would you consider attending our next AZEVN Conference? *
Would you consider presenting at our next AZEVN Conference? *

Our next AZEVN Event

2025 AZEVN Conference

@ Treetops Pavilion, West Midlands Safari Park
May 17, 2025
& May 18, 2025
Keynote Speaker:
Rachel Lumbis MSc, BSc(Hons), CertSAN, RVN, FHEA
Keynote Subject:
Nutritional Health and Welfare: Prevention or Poison?

Meet the AZEVN Team

The AZEVN is run by a committee of elected volunteers, all RVNs. These volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the AZEVN runs smoothly. Learn more about the AZEVN Team and their Roles.