AZEVN Poster Guidelines
Firstly on behalf of the Association of Zoo & Exotic Veterinary Nurses (AZEVN), we would like to thank you for participating at an upcoming AZEVN Event via a Poster Presentation.
To ensure that you have everything that you need at this stage, please take a look through the following information which should help you understand further what will be involved with your Poster Presentation.
All AZEVN Posters need to be A2, portrait orientation and printed in full colour.
Please do not laminate your AZEVN Poster.
All content is to be written in UK English and use SI units.
Images, tables and diagrams are permitted.
All AZEVN Posters must be printed ready to display, brought to the specified AZEVN Event by the Presenter, then given to a committee member at the start of the first day.
Topics must focus on exotics, zoo or wildlife species. You can choose to present research OR a case study.
The poster must not have been used at any previous event.
The AZEVN Poster must be presented in specified breaks at the AZEVN Event by the Presenter.
Guidelines for Research Posters
Posters should show a structured summary of the topic of your choice (this can be any exotic, zoo or wildlife species).
This should be no more than 250 words (excluding the title and declarations of interest) and presented under the 7 required headings that are listed below.
Please avoid using trade names, non-standard abbreviations, and acronyms.
- Title & Authors
Concise and appealing – what is your topic? List the author(s) name and RCVS recognised post nominals.
- Objectives
What is the question that is being asked / answered.
- Method
What study method was used? Sample size? Data analysis methods?
- Results
What were the findings? Were they as you expected?
- Impact / Clinical Significance
What are the implications and for whom? Briefly explain any transferable skills that can be used in general practice / other species.
- Funding / Conflicts of Interest
- References
Guidelines for Case Study Posters
Posters should show a structured summary of the case (this can be any exotic, zoo or wildlife species).
This should be no more than 250 words (excluding the title and declarations of interest) and presented under the required headings that are listed below.
Please avoid using trade names, non-standard abbreviations, and acronyms.
- Title & Authors
Concise and appealing – what is your topic? List the author(s) name and RCVS recognised post nominals.
- Introduction
Brief overview of topic to gain readers interest.
- Case Description
Patient history, diagnosis including differentials.
- Treatment
What were the treatment options? How was the final treatment plan decided and implemented?
- Results, Impact & Clinical Significance
What was the outcome? With hindsight, are there any changes you would make and why? Briefly explain any transferable skills that can be used in general practice/ other species.
- Funding / Conflicts of Interest
- References
Further Terms & Conditions
Please do NOT submit a poster on behalf of another person. The lead author MUST be in attendance at the event.
The presenter is responsible for booking their event ticket.
Posters submitted for consideration should not have been presented at any other event.
All research presented must comply with UK legislation pertaining to animal welfare, ethics, and data protection. Work performed outside the UK must still comply with the UK Veterinary Surgeons Act or should reasonably be expected NOT to require a UK Home Office license if performed in the UK.
It’s the author’s responsibility to ensure that they have obtained permission for use of any copyright images or materials.
The presenter must complete a poster application form and receive confirmation of its acceptance, before creating the poster.
The AZEVN Committee will review and contact all applicants with a successful or unsuccessful application.
The AZEVN’s decisions are final and there is no appeals process.
The AZEVN does not provide any financial renumeration to presenters, nor does it pay any expenses incurred in the creation or presentation of the poster.
The AZEVN reserves the right to retain the poster for future use.
By submitting a poster application form, the presenter is agreeing to these terms and conditions.