AZEVN Event Speakers

AZEVN Event Speakers

The continued success and growth of the AZEVN is due to the significant contribution that our members, sponsors and guest speakers make towards each event to help ensure that we can keep closely aligned with our core values of providing unique and affordable CPD opportunities that are ran by Veterinary Nurses, for Veterinary Nurses.

This section of the AZEVN Website is designed to give our speakers (and potential speakers) everything they need to prepare for their speaking slot at an AZEVN Event.

If you are interested in speaking at an AZEVN Event, then please complete the Speaker Application Form below.

If you have already been confirmed as an AZEVN Speaker, then please complete the AZEVN Speaker Post Acceptance Registration Form.

Make sure you also check out the resources in the buttons at the side of this page and ensure that you submit your 1 Page Summary and upload your presentation by the required deadlines.

Information for Potential Speakers

The AZEVN is primary aimed at Veterinary Nurses & Techs (both student, qualified and registered) worldwide and as such, all presentation need to cater to this sector.

We are looking for a variety of speakers including (but not limited to), Veterinary Nurses, Techs, Vets, Charity Workers, Zoo Keepers & Rescue Workers.

We always like to offer a varied range of topics that span a wide range of species, and it is important that the speaker highlights how any transferable skills can be used across species.

The AZEVN is especially keen to help first-time speakers find their feet!! We can offer support and guidance for those who wish to try public presenting for the first time, or those who want to build up their confidence in a friendly and welcoming environment.

A slide deck and presentation guidelines will be provided to all speakers. We request that all talks are also pre-recorded, so that they can be used on our website as a member resource in the future. These presentations may also be used at a future AZEVN Event, both in-person and online.

Finally, please note that all presentations are given voluntarily. The AZEVN does not offer payment for any lectures that are submitted, nor are any expenses paid. If applicable, a conference ticket will need to be purchased if you have been asked to present you lecture in-person.


Please Select Your AZEVN Event
Please choose the AZEVN Event at which you want to speak at..
Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Place of Work *
Post Nominal Letters
Contact Email Address *
Job Role *
Type of Membership *
Please confirm whether you are an AZEVN Member or an External Speaker.
Length of Talk *
Please select which lengths of talks you would be interested in presenting at your chosen AZEVN Event.
Species Focus *
Please advise on any species you would be comfortable covering within your presentation.
Topic Focus *
Please advise on any topics you would be comfortable covering within your presentation.

Our next AZEVN Event

2025 AZEVN Conference

@ Treetops Pavilion, West Midlands Safari Park
May 17, 2025
& May 18, 2025
Keynote Speaker:
Rachel Lumbis MSc, BSc(Hons), CertSAN, RVN, FHEA
Keynote Subject:
Nutritional Health and Welfare: Prevention or Poison?

Meet the AZEVN Team

The AZEVN is run by a committee of elected volunteers, all RVNs. These volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the AZEVN runs smoothly. Learn more about the AZEVN Team and their Roles.