AZEVN Presentation Hints and Tips

AZEVN Presentation Hints and Tips

Before your AZEVN Presentation

Make sure that you rehearse your presentation and that you can complete it within the time you have been allocated; it is not possible to allow AZEVN Speakers to run over their allotted time.

Make brief notes (a paragraph or bullet point per slide) as opposed to simply reading directly from your slides.

From a delegate perspective, it’s always nice if the presenter does not just read their slides and is able to engage with the audience.

On the Day of your AZEVN Presentation

Make sure that you know what time you are presenting, so that you are ready.

Find our who is chairing your session as if you encounter any issues during your talk, the chairperson is there is help and support you.

We would also suggest discussing with your chairperson how you would like to be told when you’re coming to the end of your allotted time and sometimes in a longer lecture, it’s also nice to know when your half way through your time.

Have a glass of water close to hand, just in case you get a dry throat, but also if you get lost in your talk, you can have a drink while you regain your composure.

When presenting, speak loudly and to the room, look at the delegates, but avoid direct eye contact by looking slightly above the delegate’s heads. Often when we are nervous we speak too fast, so try and speak at a normal pace like you would if you’re speaking to friend or family member.

Don’t worry or panic, everyone gets nervous, but at the AZEVN you are presenting to a room of fellow veterinary nurses, who will be very supportive.. Breath, relax and enjoy it!!

Add energy! Smile and try to add positivity into your talk. You will be passionate about your subject so let that shine through! We want to hear your personality as well as your expertise.

And finally…Be Proud!! It’s a great thing to give a lecture at an AZEVN Event and by sharing your knowledge and experiences with fellow professionals, it will improve the care and welfare of our patients.

Our next AZEVN Event

2025 AZEVN Conference

@ Treetops Pavilion, West Midlands Safari Park
May 17, 2025
& May 18, 2025
Keynote Speaker:
Rachel Lumbis MSc, BSc(Hons), CertSAN, RVN, FHEA
Keynote Subject:
Nutritional Health and Welfare: Prevention or Poison?

Meet the AZEVN Team

The AZEVN is run by a committee of elected volunteers, all RVNs. These volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the AZEVN runs smoothly. Learn more about the AZEVN Team and their Roles.